Once inside the Vizzlo document editor, you'll find three main sections: the menu bar on the top, the chart itself, and a sidebar.
The menu bar contains all document related commands: save, export, print, share, etc. It consists of one drop-down menu and three quick buttons to access the document "Spreadsheet," "Present," and the "Export & Share."
Tip: You can also use the commands crtl+z (Windows)/cmd+z (Mac) to undo an action, or crtl+y (Windows) /shift+cmd+z (Mac) to redo it.
File name (and, optionally, Description): the file name is not the chart title. The description is not visible but allows you to leave comments and contextual information that can be helpful, especially, if you are sharing the document with your team.
Document history: this feature is only available for subscribers of the Professional plan, Teams or Enterprise accounts. Clicking on "Document history" will open a new window with all the previous saved versions of your document. You can opt for making a copy of or restoring any of the document versions.
New document: by clicking on "New document," you'll be redirected to the portfolio to choose a new chart type.
Move to folder: if you would like to save this document to a particular folder, click on "Move to folder." A cascading menu will open with your directories. There, you can also choose to "Create a folder" in case you need a new folder for your document.
Save: never forget to save your charts before leaving the document editor. Every time you change something in the document, a few seconds later, the document will be auto-saved. If the "Save" option is disabled, this means that the newest version of your document has already been saved.
Make public: premium and business customers have their documents set as private by default. By making a document public, any person with its link will be able to see it. This option is especially interesting if a document will be shared with a broad audience after a presentation, with a big mailing list or on social media.
Make a copy: if you would like just to update some information on your chart, without losing its original version, click on "Make a copy." This will duplicate your document and save the copy in the same folder as the original document.
Export & Share (quick button or menu item): clicking on "Export & Share" will open a new window with all the options to download, share and embed your document (check more details here).
Download VZL File: download a .VZL (Vizzlo) file for use in all Vizzlo related (web,desktop, and cloud storage) applications.
Print: this option will open the "Print" window of your browser (with its default settings). Printing a Vizzlo chart from here is easy: only the chart—and no other window elements—will be printed. Set the layout as "Landscape" to better fit your chart to the page. Make sure that the option to print header and footers is unchecked if you don't want to print details like the date and the URL of the chart.
Delete: it means delete. After deleting a document, it is going to be moved to the "Trash bin" folder, and can be restored whithin a period of 30 days. After 30 days in the "Trash bin" folder, the document will be permanently removed.
Close: this action will save and close your document, and redirect you to the section "My documents," more specifically, to the folder of the saved document.
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